# Roles

It refers to the specific functions or responsibilities assigned to users within the system, defining their access levels and tasks related to managing and maintaining product data.

# Create Roles

Step 1: It can be set on the admin panel by going to Setting >> Roles. Here you can create a new role by clicking on the button Create Role as shown in the below image.


Step 2: Add the below fields.

1) Permissions: Select the permission from the options Custom & All.

  • Custom- Select the custom option if you need to show the menus as per your requirements for a user.

  • All- Select the all option if you need to show all the menus for a user.

  1. Name: Enter the name of the role.

  2. Description: Enter the description of the role.

Save Role

Step 3: Now click on Save Role and a new role is created successfully in the Roles data grid.

Role Grid

Step 4: Now you can assign this new role while creating a user go to Settings >> Users as shown in the image below.

Role Output

Step 5: Now login with your new user and check the new user with the assigned custom permissions as shown in the image below.

Role Output

By this, you can easily create a Role in UnoPim