# Currencies

Currencies in UnoPim refer to the different monetary systems used to manage and display product pricing and financial data across various markets and regions.

# Add Currency in UnoPim

Step 1: On the Admin panel of UnoPim go to Setting >> Currencies >> Create Currency as shown in below image.


Step 2: Now Enter Code, Name, Symbol, Decimal then enable the Status and click on Save Currency button as shown in below image.

Save Currency

Step 3: Now you will able to see the new Currency in the currency datagrid.

Currency Grid

Step 4: On the admin panel click on Settings >> Channels you will able to see the Currency section and your new currency right there.

Once the channel setting has been done click on Save Channel as shown in the below image.

Currency Output

Step 5: After adding this currency to the channel, it will be displayed on the product edit page for price type attributes to manage price values for different currencies.

Currency Output

So by this, you can easily create a Currency in UnoPim.